February 17-21, 2025| Hotel Boulderado, Boulder, Colorado
The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) invites you to the SDO 2025 Science Workshop: A Gathering of the Helio-hive, to be held February 17-21, 2025, at the Hotel Boulderado in Boulder, CO. All members of the science community are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Registration for the workshop is closed.
Workshop description:
Since the launch of SDO, there have been thousands of research papers describing a wide range of science results from this mission. Join us during the maximum of Solar Cycle 25 to discuss what we have learned about the Sun and compare the new cycle and those in the past. The goal of the meeting is to share and discuss recent discoveries, theories and results obtained with new solar observatories, and improve communication and synergies throughout the research community. To accommodate the interest in multiple research topics, SDO 2025 will feature plenary sessions, parallel sessions on focused topics, and a series of "mini-workshops" on the final day (February 21).
Any research result related to SDO data can be submitted as a contribution to the workshop. Invited speakers will introduce 7 themed plenary sessions spanning SDO‘s wide range of research topics: